Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sekretariat Rakan Muda UUM !!

               ALWAYS        YOUNG !!!

      Assalamualaikum , today i want to write a post about my another favourite club , and that is       
    I have been involved in this SRM since semester one first year , and i have no regret at all . Firstly i thought , this club didn't adventourous at all , but when i joined their activities , i realized that i have a wrong thought . This club have 12 "rakan" as we call , just like exco in other 

ALL "rakan" in SRMUUM

     That "rakan" means that each of the "rakan" hold one portfolio regarding their name . So , when we talk about RAKAN MUDA INOVASI , this "rakan" will focus in the inovation program for UUM student but this "rakan" also can make other program like 'how to use a photoshop' . This program are nothing to do with inovation and this program specific for RAKAN MUDA REMAJA SIBER but we all free to do all the program that we can think for .
     That is why i love this club , meet new friends that can get along with me , can meet all kind of people and from different state . And last YAKIN BOLEH GEMILANG !!!

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